Are you uncomfortable enough?

Maybe 2020 is the year we needed to prepare us for the future.

Carre Le Page
4 min readNov 15, 2020


With the current situation in the world, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of pain and believe that everything has gone to shit…. but really, what’s the benefit of that?

“How does it help…to make troubles heavier by bemoaning them?” — Seneca

‘Yeah, but Seneca never lived through a pandemic,’ I hear you thinking.

That’s true. But Seneca did get exiled by a Roman emperor to an island for several years, only to return to a advise a new emperor who eventually forced him to take his own life. So his life certainly had his challenges.

I work in the travel industry, which has clearly seen better days, several of my friends and colleagues have lost their jobs, with few other businesses in travel recruiting right now. The restaurant industry is on its knees, as lockdowns force small business owners who have worked hard for many years building their little wine shops or corner cafés into places that get a fraction of the business they once received. And there are countless of other examples of other industries suffering and people struggling….it’s an understatement to suggest that this has not been an easy year.



Carre Le Page

Working it all out each day….through Stoicism, Mindfulness, and Storytelling.